Biomaterials Laboratory
The Biomaterials Laboratory in the Martinos Center, Department of Radiology, is directed toward the application of solid-state NMR (nuclear magnetic resonance) imaging (MRI) and solid-state NMR spectroscopy (MRS) to the study of materials of biomedical interest. These include synthetic ceramics and polymers which are used as prosthetic materials, as well as bone mineral, the primary focus of the research. Collaborations with other laboratories, both within and external to MGH, are involved.

MRI and NMR Spectroscopy
Osteoporosis is one of the most important diseases of aging, afflicting as many as 20 million Americans, and contributing substantially to morbidity and mortality in the elderly. We have developed a method for producing quantitative three dimensional images of bone mineral by solid state phosphorus magnetic resonance imaging. These images yield determinations of the true bone mineral density (true BMD, in grams per cubic centimeter) which are comparable in accuracy to or better than those measured by dual energy x-ray absorptiometry.
MR Engineering
We are developing a cryogen-free compact point-of-care superconducting extremity MRI scanner for both conventional and solid state MR characterization of bone. The magnet is based around a compact highly shielded 3-bore cryogen-free 1.5T superconducting magnet. It has three bores to accommodate a human knee comfortably in the true central bore with the non-scanned leg in a side bore.
Bone and Biomaterials
We are developing novel noninvasive magnetic resonance methodologies for characterizing the mineral during growth, healing, or various disease processes. Bone mineral chemical composition changes in subtle ways as newly deposited mineral matures to its final form. Although the precise nature of bone mineral composition is still the subject of extensive debate, we are contributing to progress in this area.
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